Innovation Entrepreneur of the Year Finalists 2024

Be in all locations at once

Three phones with Forkto system on it displaying Forkto product traceability

Juggling multiple sites is like making sure every dish tastes just right

Forkto makes it easier for managers to keep everything running smoothly at all their locations. It helps them pay close attention to details, stay alert, and find the right balance. This means they can make sure everything stays consistent and excellent everywhere using Forkto's smart tools.
Macbook Pro showing the reports screen of the Forkto system

Single Login

Easily oversee all your locations with just one login, simplifying your operations and saving you valuable time and effort

Unified Staff Management

Keep all staff stuff in one place to make things smooth and work better, all on just one platform

Daily Activity Emails

Receive email updates at the end of each day summarizing all the activity from every location, keeping you informed


Don't miss an update

See what checks staff is performing live

Live temperature monitoring

Staff activity in once place

Forkto daily dash view
Forkto users view


Stay on top of your staff

Issue staff logins with a single click

View automatic clock in time calculations

Assign staff to single or multiple locations

Get started today

Get 14 day trial

Highlighted Case Study


Christies Scottish Tapas


At Forkto, we're on a mission to transform the way food businesses manage their operations. Our journey began with a vision to simplify compliance and enhance transparency in the food industry. With a blend of cutting-edge technology and industry expertise, we've created solutions that empower businesses to thrive while upholding the highest standards of quality and safety.

Established in 2022 by a team of passionate software developers, Forkto was founded with a clear purpose: to streamline HACCP and BRC compliance. Drawing insights from HACCP consultants and industry professionals, we set out to revolutionize how food businesses approach their day-to-day operations.

At the heart of Forkto lies our innovative software, meticulously crafted to address the unique challenges faced by food businesses. From inventory management to temperature monitoring, operational checks, and label creation, our platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools to simplify operations and ensure compliance.

We envision a future where trust and transparency define every aspect of the food chain. Through accessible technology and a commitment to sustainability, we're building a food industry that fosters accountability and empowers businesses to thrive.

Our mission is clear: to equip food businesses with innovative tools for comprehensive food safety and traceability. By providing accessible solutions and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we're reshaping the landscape of the food industry one business at a time.