Innovation Entrepreneur of the Year Finalists 2024


Christies Scottish Tapas

40 Staff


Professional plan

Christies Scottish Tapas is known for its vibrant flavours and dedication to quality, operates multiple locations across Scotland. While food safety was always a cornerstone, the owner sought greater visibility and a way to empower his team to take ownership of these vital standards. Before Forkto, the owner grappled with limited visibility and the worry that his dedication wasn’t always mirrored by his team.

The Burden of Uncertainty

“My constant fear was that a simple mistake at any of my locations could harm a customer,” admits the owner of Christies. “The stress of potential non-compliance across multiple sites, or worse, facing legal consequences, weighed heavily.”

Hopes Dashed by Inefficient Systems

The owner longed for a way to empower his team to take ownership of food safety, not just tick boxes on a checklist. He wanted the peace of mind that comes from knowing the right things were being done consistently, without creating more paperwork.

The Forkto Transformation

After a frustrating search for the right partner to manage multiple locations, Christies discovered Forkto. “Finally, a team that shared our passion,” the owner explains. “They listened carefully, building a solution tailored to our needs and concerns across our sites.

Tangible Results, Relief at Last

If Forkto vanished overnight, the search for a replacement would begin immediately. “Forkto gives me real-time visibility into our operations. I see exactly who’s doing those vital checks, and when. It’s taken the guesswork, and the worry, out of compliance.”

How Forkto Makes a Difference

“Forkto’s team doesn’t just provide software – they provide support. Any feedback is acted upon quickly. It’s that personalized touch, the willingness to grow with us, that sets them apart.”

Empowerment Beyond Compliance

“Forkto’s intuitive design has led our team to embrace it wholeheartedly. Now, we’re capturing more detailed data than ever. Those insights help us refine our procedures, turning a strong track record into continuous improvement.”

Forkto: Your Partner in Excellence

“Forkto does the basics exceptionally well, but what truly stands out is their willingness to listen and evolve alongside us. I’m confident recommending Forkto because they’re genuinely invested in our success.”

Owner’s Perspective on Success

“Forkto’s responsiveness is key…I hope that personalized approach remains even as they grow. It’s about having a true partner, not just another vendor.”

Forkto: Your Path to Food Safety Assurance and Operational Excellence

Christies Scottish Tapas’ experience demonstrates the transformative power of Forkto. If you’re ready to say goodbye to sleepless nights, empower your team, and drive continuous improvement, Forkto is ready to be your partner.

Contact us today for a personalized demo and experience the difference.

Christie's confidently recommend Forkto

Try Forkto Today


At Forkto, we're on a mission to transform the way food businesses manage their operations. Our journey began with a vision to simplify compliance and enhance transparency in the food industry. With a blend of cutting-edge technology and industry expertise, we've created solutions that empower businesses to thrive while upholding the highest standards of quality and safety.

Established in 2022 by a team of passionate software developers, Forkto was founded with a clear purpose: to streamline HACCP and BRC compliance. Drawing insights from HACCP consultants and industry professionals, we set out to revolutionize how food businesses approach their day-to-day operations.

At the heart of Forkto lies our innovative software, meticulously crafted to address the unique challenges faced by food businesses. From inventory management to temperature monitoring, operational checks, and label creation, our platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools to simplify operations and ensure compliance.

We envision a future where trust and transparency define every aspect of the food chain. Through accessible technology and a commitment to sustainability, we're building a food industry that fosters accountability and empowers businesses to thrive.

Our mission is clear: to equip food businesses with innovative tools for comprehensive food safety and traceability. By providing accessible solutions and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we're reshaping the landscape of the food industry one business at a time.